Become an associate member of "Le Vernissage":

1.You have to visit (personally) a vernissage, take photos, eat the food, drink the wine and ocassionally take a souvenir with you. Observe the exhibition audience carefully. Looking at art is not required.

2. Submit:
- minimum 3 photos (obligatory: 1: you, with sunglasses and the vernissage crowd in the background; 2: the crowd; 3: reception table with food or drinks).
- short description with the date of the exhibition, title, name of the artist(s) and name of the gallery.
- your CV with passport photo.

You are free to submit your reflections about the vernissage in any 2D medium: poem, drawing, prose... etc.
Send your submission by email to all the "Le Vernissage" editorial members and the jury will qualify your entry. You will be notified in short time.

Become a correspondent member of "Le Vernissage":

1. Become an associate member first. Then you can apply for a "correspondent member" status.

2. Submit: 5 reportages from 5 different vernissages (photos and texts, as above); photos of minimum 3 vernissage trophees (objects obtained during the vernissage)

Send your submission by email to all the "Le Vernissage" editorial members and the jury will qualify your entry. You will be notified in short time.

Become a Golden member of "Le Vernissage":

To become a Golden Member you have to either: first become a correspondent member and then apply for a Golden Member status or become an instant Golden Member.
(more info about Instant Golden Member >>>)

To apply for a Golden Membership:
1. You have to be a Correspondent Member already.
2. Submit 7 reportages from 7 different vernissages (photos and texts, as above); photos of minimum 5 vernissage trophees (objects obtained during the vernissage)

Send your submission by email to all the "Le Vernissage" editorial members and the jury will qualify your entry. You will be notified in short time...

go to contacts >>>